Jesus tells me: “You know that the leaders of the nations dominate them and that their great men make their authority felt. It is not so among you; anyone who wants to be great among you must be your servant and anyone who wants to be first among you must be your slave”.
What Jesus seems to be telling me is that if I want to become a great leader I must behave like a servant, not like a general or a charismatic fountain of inspiration. He holds that to become great one must become humble, take the last seat, become like a child.
A christian style leader must learn humility and find satisfaction in team success and in reflected recognition. In the end, successful leaders become good servants who help their team members to satisfy their own needs.
The humble servant’s path leads to the greatness Jesus showed me. He, more than anyone else, was a great model of what it is to be a servant-leader.
There’s a big difference between being a leader in order to steal the limelight for your own glory and considering others’ welfare before your own personal gain. True christian style leaders are humble servants, not power-thirsty tyrants.