The kingdom of tomorrow
But in the last times,
the mountain of the Creator God’s house
shall be set on the top of the mountains
And it shall rise above all the hills.
And the peoples of the whole world will flock to it.
Many nations will come and say:
“Come, let us ascend to the mountain of the Creator God,
to the house of the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob;
He will teach us His ways
And we will walk in His paths!”
For out of Zion shall come forth the knowledge of good and evil,
From Jerusalem shall come the light of the architect of the whole universe.
He will be judge among many peoples,
Arbiter between nations mighty and far.
From their swords they shall make vermin,
From their spears they will make spears;
One nation shall no longer raise its sword against another.
And they shall learn war no more.
They will be able to sit each under his vine and under his fig tree,
without anyone frightening them;
for the mouth of the Almighty has spoken.
While all peoples walk each in the name of his god,
we shall walk in the name of the Creator God, our Father, forever.
(see Micah 4:1-5)