Jesus already two thousand years ago predicted the fall and end of the ancient light-bearer. His words are an unmistakable testament: “I saw Satan falling from heaven like an electric shock striking the ground with conspicuous and terrifying effects.” (see Luke 10:18)

But once he crashed ruinously to earth, what would be waiting for him always according to Jesus’ premonition? An army of Jesus’ fans who would have been given by the Creator God the power to overcome demons and devils including all the power of their commander-in-chief.
And always in the same premonition Jesus makes His fans an absolutely terrifying promise to the prince of darkness: “Nothing and no one can harm you!” (see Luke 10:19)
The cherub once created immortal has been stripped of that immortality becoming an ordinary mortal.
The protector once a symbol of heavenly beauty and perfection has been deprived of such magnificence becoming a deformed, ungainly and unpleasant being in total disharmony with the divine creative balance.
The angel once clothed with a powerful divine light has been emptied of this glow becoming a black soul now covered by the shadow of death.
The prince remained naked!

P.S. However, I do not want to rejoice because the spirits are subject to me, nor because the proud prince remained naked, but I do want to rejoice because my name is written in the book of heaven. (see Luke 10:20)